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 | Streasure4Health

is a medtech start-up, established in 2022. Its team is rooted in their passion to explore and understand the scientific basis for a healthy lifestyle, aiming to age healthily themselves, and to create point-of-care devices to maximize the ability for everyone to enjoy healthy ageing themselves. 

| Management

Peter Deen

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

“My lifelong drive is to understand biological mechanisms to improve the quality of Life of patients. To now translate my best project to patients PoC products is a dream come true".

| Team

Patrick Ussher

PR officer LongCovid-ME/CFS

“As an ME/CFS patient myself, I personally investigate my disease and report on it. I really believe in the mission of Streasure4Health and am honoured to be able to bring in my expertise".

Peter Voshol

Senior Scientist Diabetes

“Educated as physiologist in Nutrition & Health, with >20 years experience in the (patho)physiology " of obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and co-initiator of reversediabetes2now, I am excited to participate in the St4H angle on diabetes'.

| Advisory board

Frans van der Horst

I am an Independent Clinical Investigator. A clinical chemist at RHMDC and I am specialized in application of digital solutions in medical diagnostics

Brigitte Klinkenbijl

I hold a Master in science in health economics & policy. With my lifelong drive to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients and their relatives, I have put effort into and obtained 30+ years of marketing and market development experience in diabetes for Medtronics, ResMed and Dexcom. I have been Director International and governmental affairs for Dexcom and at the advisory board of DIabetes+

| We are in good company

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Help us creating a world without acquired chronic diseases


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