| Streasure4Health
is a medtech start-up, established in 2022. Its team is rooted in their passion to explore and understand the scientific basis for a healthy lifestyle, aiming to age healthily themselves, and to create point-of-care devices to maximize the ability for everyone to enjoy healthy ageing themselves.
| Management
| Team

Patrick Ussher
PR officer LongCovid-ME/CFS
“As an ME/CFS patient myself, I personally investigate my disease and report on it. I really believe in the mission of Streasure4Health and am honoured to be able to bring in my expertise".

Peter Voshol
Senior Scientist Diabetes
“Educated as physiologist in Nutrition & Health, with >20 years experience in the (patho)physiology " of obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and co-initiator of reversediabetes2now, I am excited to participate in the St4H angle on diabetes'.
| Advisory board

Frans van der Horst
I am an Independent Clinical Investigator. A clinical chemist at RHMDC and I am specialized in application of digital solutions in medical diagnostics

Brigitte Klinkenbijl
I hold a Master in science in health economics & policy. With my lifelong drive to improve the quality of life of diabetic patients and their relatives, I have put effort into and obtained 30+ years of marketing and market development experience in diabetes for Medtronics, ResMed and Dexcom. I have been Director International and governmental affairs for Dexcom and at the advisory board of DIabetes+.
| We are in good company
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Help us creating a world without acquired chronic diseases
Join us to improve the health of everyone